Type 1 diabetes care in the Netherlands
Through this page we want to introduce you to Dutch type 1 diabetes care so that you quickly know the route to your care.
The care for type 1 diabetes for children and adults in the Netherlands is provided in hospitals and specialized clinics (Diabeter).
If you or your child has type 1 diabetes, you can report to any hospital or Diabeter location in the Netherlands for care and assistance.
In case of medical emergency:
- Call 112 or report to an A&E (emergency department) of a hospital, they will also help you without a referral.
No emergency or other care than type 1 diabetes, report to a general practitioner.
- You can get insulin, even without a prescription, from any pharmacy in the Netherlands. Here you will find an overview of all pharmacies.
If you are staying longer in the Netherlands, we advise you to register with a diabetes team in your area. In addition to supervising your or your child’s diabetes, they will also help you with ordering diabetes materials such as an insulin pen or blood glucose strips. For this you need a referral letter from your GP. So you first need a doctor. Here you will find an overview: https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/huisarts.
Do you have questions about type 1 diabetes care in the Netherlands?
Please e-mail us, preferably in English or Dutch to: oekraïne@diabetesplus.nl.
Your type 1 diabetes request for help will be answered as quickly as possible (answer ‹ 24 hours) where possible or forwarded to the right authority (answer › 24 hours).
For type 1 diabetes care in the Netherlands, contact a hospital or one of these Diabeter locations.
Here you will find an overview of all hospitals in the Netherlands:
Diabeter is a clinic that specializes in type 1 diabetes.
Do you need an interpreter? Please contact: Refugee work:
For medical matters it is essential that you talk with ‘real’ interpreters. You can also get help via TVCN: https://www.globaltalk.nl.
The general Ukrainian website of the national Dutch government ‘Rijksoverheid’ can be found here: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/russische-inval-in-oekraine/opvang-van-oekrainers-in-nederland
Do you need mental support?
Talk about it. Don’t just sit there with it. There are more people than you think who struggle with feelings of hopelessness. Talking about it can bring relief, make you less lonely, offer a little bit of perspective again. Take your feelings seriously and ask for support. You don’t have to sit with this alone. Breaking through that loneliness can help you move forward with small steps. Keep courage, keep hope. It can get better again.
Do you want to talk to someone?
Contact the GGZ or go to https://mindkorrelatie.nl.
Do you have thoughts of suicide? Or are you worried about someone struggling with these thoughts? Contact 24/7 free and anonymously on 0800-0113 or chat on 113.nl.
Suicide Prevention:
Call 0800-113
Diabetes+ is a young foundation committed to a better quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes and everybody around the person with type 1 diabetes. Getting the best out of it, with and for type 1 diabetes, that’s our mission. Together we make a real difference. Diabetes+ is 100% type 1 and 100% patient driven.